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Virtual Event
Lyceum Society: 1. Water on Inner Planets & 2. Becoming a C.E.
07 Apr 2025



April 7, 2025 | 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM ET

Presented by the Lyceum Society

Welcome and Introductions: 11:30 AM to 11:45 AM

Initial Presentation: 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM

Becoming a Chemical Engineer: Two Stories

Philip Apruzzese and Stuart Kurtz

Stuart Kurtz and Philip Apruzzese will present how and what becoming Chemical Engineers has been for them from two similar beginnings that then followed divergent paths for many years. Each of these pathways had milestones, accomplishments, difficulties, and changes that enhanced their Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA’s) across numerous academic, operational, interpersonal and organizational circumstances and situations.

Stuart Kurtz’s deep dive into early career multi-degree education and teaching both in the US and abroad formed a foundation for his later research and development accomplishments in industry.

In contrast, Philip Apruzzese immersed himself into the Plant Operations side of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex immediately after his graduation. These areas included large scale continuous and batch plant operations, sterile and non-sterile dosage forms and compounding as well as “high hazard” unit processes. His “chem engineer” role adapted to the evolution of his employer’s needs including process, project, FDA regulatory, labor, and management relations as well as EHS matters.

Main Presentation: 12:45 PM to 2:30 PM

Water: The Essential Component of our Inner Solar System*

* Fred John Cadieu, Water: The Essential Component of our Inner Solar System, American Journal of Modern Physics, 14, 37-43, 2025.

Of the four terrestrial planets of our solar system, Earth is the only one that developed mechanisms that allowed liquid water to be retained. Thus, Earth is the only terrestrial planet in our solar system that has the possibility for billion-year stability to allow evolution to work over a sufficiently long time for the evolution of intelligent life. The principal reasons for this are the presence of a magnetic field and plate tectonics that allow long term planet surface stability. The progression from an earlier state to what we see today was largely completed about 2 billion years ago so long term evolutionary development where possible should have proceeded. Mars is believed to have had surface water in this early stage but lost that as did Mercury and Venus. Volume changes upon the phase changes of water and carbon dioxide play a crucial role in driving the geology of Mars. The sublimation of carbon dioxide from solid to gas phase must play a crucial role in creating caverns and crevices below the surface if lifeforms are to exist on Mars. Simple lifeforms are then expected to exist below the surface of Mars.


Philip W. Apruzzese (BE Chem. E., MS Technology Mgmt., CHMM) graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J. He was employed in the pharmaceutical industry (Squibb, Beecham, Schering-Plough) for nearly 40 years, holding manufacturing operations, project, research pilot plant startup, and environmental compliance management positions. From 2010 to 2019 he was employed part-time as a Chem Eng/Environmental, health and safety consultant in addition to working seasonally as a Level C Official for USA Cycling racing events.

Since relocating to the Seattle area he has begun volunteer work with several non-profit community cycling/Recycling resources and advocacy organizations. Additionally he volunteers online with the Summit Old Guard an organization for retired business and professional men.

In April 2015, he spoke on Tour de France cycling performance enhancements – Post Lance/Post Drugs and in 2019 he presented on The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of lithium ion batteries and in 2021 presented on The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis.

Stuart Kurtz is an accomplished expert in Chemical Engineering with a distinguished academic and professional background. He earned his SB in Chemical Engineering from MIT in 1963, followed by an MSc in Plastics Technology (1965), MA in Chemical Engineering (1967), and PhD in Chemical Engineering (1970), all from Princeton University. He began his academic career as a faculty member in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Rensselaer from 1969 to 1973 and later served as a Chaired Professor of Materials Science at Universidade de São Carlos in Brazil (1973-1975). He spent nearly three decades at Union Carbide, holding various technical positions and contributing to over 30 patents and 15 publications.

Fred J. Cadieu received BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Physics from the University of Chicago. About 140 papers have been published in the areas of higher order phase transitions, the synthesis of superconducting and magnetic films, the synthesis of permanent magnet films, and most recently in some areas of astronomy. He is currently an Emeritus Professor in the Physics Department of Queen College of CUNY. 


All: Free

About the Series

The Lyceum Society is a collegial venue promoting fellowship, education, and discussion among retired members of NYAS. Learn more and explore other events hosted by the Lyceum Society.


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