October 23, 2024 | 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET
Session 1: Defining Inclusion in STEM
Inclusion, in its broadest sense, refers to the practice of ensuring that all individuals are respected, valued, and supported within a community or society, regardless of their differences. Each individual should feel confident and comfortable being their authentic selves without fear of judgment or retaliation.
But what does inclusion look like in the context of STEM fields? What are some barriers to inclusion in STEM? And what unique potential does fostering a culture of inclusion have on promoting social justice and driving innovative solutions to our society’s problems? Explore the answers to these questions and learn more at the first session of our ‘Inclusion in STEM’ series, featuring Alfred M. Mays, Chief Diversity Officer and Strategist and Senior Program Officer for Diversity and Education at the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.
About the Series
The Inclusion in STEM series delves into a few of the many topics that are essential for actively cultivating a culture of inclusion in STEM, including defining inclusion, promoting inclusive pipelines through mentorship, finding solidarity and power through joining affinity groups, being an inclusive leader, and communicating research in a way that centers inclusion, equity, and intersectionality. Learn more about the series and explore the full lineup of events.

Alfred M. Mays currently serves as the Chief Diversity Officer and Strategist for Science Education and Diversity at Burroughs Wellcome Fund where he directs a portfolio of competitive and strategic grant programs. Prior to Alfred assuming this role, he served as an independent consultant with a service delivery that included strategic planning, project incubation, design, and implementation. Alfred has served as an enabler within several education initiatives to include the Collaborative Project, a 21st Century Program that was supported by the North Carolina General Assembly, staff advisor to North Carolina’s eLearning Commission, Director of Special Projects at the University of North Carolina – Office of the President, and regional director for the North Carolina Model Teacher Education Consortium. Alfred enjoys facilitating youth leadership and empowerment activities and serves on the Board of Directors for several organizations. He has been recognized for his contributions with many organizational successes to include Government Wide Best Practices.
Member: Free
Nonmember: $10.00
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This event has been completed and a video is available.