August 13, 2024 | 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
In a world that often highlights only outcomes and successes, we tend to overlook the invaluable lessons and growth opportunities that failure can offer. This panel seeks to challenge that narrative by shining a spotlight on the importance of embracing missteps and mistakes as an essential part of the journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.
Please join The New York Academy of Sciences and Hudson River Park in this candid conversation, featuring a diverse panel of STEM professionals, where we delve into the often taboo notion of failure in STEM. Explore failure not as a final verdict, but as a natural and necessary part of a never ending learning process, and celebrate the beauty that comes with imperfection.
During this event, we will cover a variety of topics, including:
- How to challenge conventional notions of failure and perfectionism, and understanding how setbacks can be stepping stones toward innovation
- What it means to uncover the hidden opportunities for growth and self-discovery within moments of failure, and strategies to bounce back from failures, adapt to challenges, and persevere in the face of adversity
- Discovering how embracing imperfection can fuel creativity, spark innovation, and lead to groundbreaking discoveries and unexpected solutions
This event is targeted toward high school and college students interested in STEM careers, but is open to anyone seeking to redefine failure as essential in creating a culture of learning, innovation, and resilience that empowers individuals to take risks and discover new parts of themselves and the world.
Immediately following our panel discussion, in-person attendees are invited to join in a networking session, where they can share their own experiences of failure and connect with panelists and fellow audience members in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.
This event is presented in partnership with:

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