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Partner with Us: Awards

The New York Academy of Sciences is widely acclaimed for its history of excellence in administering prestigious Awards programs. We have consistently identified, celebrated, and supported outstanding emerging talent and foremost senior figures in the scientific community.  

Diverging from conventional science prizes, our primary emphasis lies in investing in the potential of a person’s future contributions to science. By furnishing early-career scientists with substantial support, we empower them to unleash their exponential growth potential and embark on the path to pioneering innovations. 

Our community of honorees go on to secure faculty positions at universities, lead their own research laboratories, and establish companies, some of which are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ. These awardees are a wellspring of inspiration and serve as mentors for the next generation of scientists. 


Philanthropic investments in the scientific community reverberate far beyond the confines of the laboratory. Partner organizations have the unique opportunity to collaborate with us to establish STEM prizes and awards programs that align seamlessly with shared objectives and missions. Partnering with us grants access to influential thought leaders and heightened visibility within a precisely targeted audience. 

Our Awards programs present an optimal solution for organizations aiming to elevate their philanthropic endeavors while staying in alignment with their organizational mission. Entrusting us with the selection process empowers us to recognize exceptional individuals and institutions engaged in remarkable work, regardless of their geographic location or affiliations. 

Our approach involves crafting carefully tailored programs that address unmet needs, thus ensuring that our prizes and awards deliver a genuinely impactful difference. 

Contact Us

To explore the development of a new awards program, contact us at