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Partner with Us: School & Community

Our Unique Approach to Working with Teachers, Students and Families

The scientists in the Academy’s network view their job as blend of research and community outreach. Our scientists have a desire to directly engage the public to demystify science and foster science literacy, especially among young people and families. Therefore, our three signature programs — Afterschool STEM Mentoring, Scientist-in-Residence, and Family Science Nights — provide professional scientists with opportunities to do outreach that aligns with their interests as well as their professional time constraints.

Ways to Work with Us

There are several ways external organizations can become involved with our community outreach initiatives.

  • You can sponsor our “Chat with a Scientist” virtual event series, and even collaborate with us to plan the events using subject matter experts in your network who would like to give back to elementary and middle school age students.
  • We can create an Employee Engagement initiative whereby your employees with STEM expertise can be recruited as mentors in either our Afterschool STEM Mentoring Program or our Scientist-in-Residence program.
  • You can support our Family Science Nights as a sponsor or a host venue to hold an FSN at your school, library, or other community center location.
  • We can collaborate to develop a new event series aimed at younger students to spark their curiosity in STEM, or expose them to STEM careers through the eyes of working scientists.

Impact Report

Download the New York Academy of Sciences STEM Education 10-Year Impact Report, 2024.

GENERATION STEMEmpowering Scientists of the Future

Contact Us

To partner with us to support our School & Community Engagement programs, contact

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