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Get Ready with the Disaster Response Game

A new virtual scenario game established by the International Science Reserve prepares users for responding to crises like wildfires, hurricanes, and food security.

Published February 12, 2025

By Mila Rosenthal, PhD
Executive Director, International Science Reserve

We can’t always predict where a disaster will happen next. What we do know is that scientists have a critical role to play in reducing risk and solving problems in a crisis. If you are a scientist looking to prepare for crisis response, the first step might be playing a game!

The International Science Reserve (ISR) has just launched its latest crisis readiness response exercise, The Disaster Response Game, a new digital simulation that puts scientists in the driver’s seat to practice how to think and respond quickly to emerging crises like pandemics, wildfires, hurricanes, and food security.

The Disaster Response Game creates scenarios that challenge the player to make rapid decisions when faced with a prospective disaster. How can you assess quickly what you need in the way of resources and expertise? How will you navigate potentially difficult decisions and other roadblocks? You can try it live here:

Why Serious Games for Crisis Preparedness?

This new game comes in response to the Academy’s research on how best to prepare researchers in an age of compounding crises worldwide. Environmental concerns represent at least half of the top risks in the World Economic Forum’s annual risk report in 2025. Solutions are rooted in science and technology.

The International Science Reserve, now a network of scientists nearly 20,000 strong, focuses on simulating real-life scenarios or drills that can improve the capacity to collaborate, communicate, and make informed decisions in high-pressure crisis situations. Gamification also makes the experience of learning crisis preparedness skills more engaging for participants, encouraging wider participation, and contributing towards a culture of readiness.

A Suite of Free Games

The Disaster Response Game is the latest offering in a growing portfolio of free, digital games from the ISR, to test decision-making skills during an emerging crisis. Last year, the ISR launched The Pathogen Outbreak Game, where players can act as a public health director as an unknown pathogen emerges. Developed in partnership with the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation (CAPTRS), the game challenges players to navigate an evolving, hypothetical public health crisis, evaluating new information that is shared as the game progresses.

Are You Ready?

Ready to jump in? Then join us and play the ISR’s new Disaster Response Game! Earn badges, climb the leaderboard, and be recognized as a top player and top contributor in a global scientific community. 

Not a member of this inclusive and impactful community? Join the ISR today.


Mila Rosenthal, PhD
Executive Director, International Science Reserve
Mila Rosenthal has over 20 years of international experience as a leader, communicator, and educator on economic, social, climate, and environmental issues. Most recently, as Director of Communications and Advocacy for the United Nations Development Programme, she spearheaded global public policy advocacy across 170 countries for the UN's largest agency to combat poverty, inequality, and climate change. She currently also teaches at Columbia University as an Assistant Professor of Human Rights, and is the co-founder of Planet Reimagined, a start-up non-profit climate impact venture.