The Sciences
Articles, news, and commentary on scientific developments of social and cultural interest. “A continuing feast for the mind and the eye,” The Sciences magazine was a unique forum for examining issues in all areas of science. Winner of seven National Magazine Awards, The Sciences was published from 1961 to 2001. Beginning in 2023, content in the spirit of The Sciences is now being commissioned for publication as a special front-half section of Ann NY Acad Sci; each featured article, book review, essay or concise report will be branded with The Sciences logo and written and developed in the tradition of The Sciences. Thought leaders in various diverse fields will be invited to submit papers. Ideas for submissions can be sent to Douglas Braaten.
All 41 volumes of the original The Sciences are available online. Access through the Wiley Online Library is free for Academy members and subscribing libraries, and available on a pay-per-view basis for others. Tables of contents and abstracts may be viewed by all.
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