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Partner with Us: Professional Learning

Our Unique Approach to Career Development

The Academy offers early-career researchers unparalleled opportunities to learn and network across institutions, disciplines and industries. Our ultimate goal is to help them build the skills they will need to secure careers in the near-future as well as to prepare them for emerging roles in the ever-evolving workforce landscape. In addition to providing our own programming including workshops, courses and networking events, we also partner with a variety of non-profit organizations, academic institutions and for-profit companies to develop best-in-class professional development opportunities for more than 7,000 undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.  

Our Professional Learning programs include:  

  • Skill-Building Workshops include effective grant writing, securing research funding, communicating science, career planning and more. 
  • Online Courses enable researchers to earn career-building credentials in areas such as teaching and clinical research management. 
  • Leadership Training equips undergraduate/graduate students and postdocs with the soft skills they’ll need to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace. 
  • Fellowships attract talented international, interdisciplinary scholars to add to, and expand upon, the existing intellectual assets at the Academy through the exchange of new research and ideas from across the world.  
  • Mentoring allows young scientists to practice their science communication skills through outreach opportunities that connect them, either in-person or online, with STEM-interested students all over the world. 

Ways to Work with Us

There are several ways we partner with external organizations to offer our early career community with high-quality professional development opportunities:

  • Your organization can sponsor one of our established courses or workshops.
  • We can tailor your existing career-related course or workshop specifically for our network of early-career STEM professionals.
  • We can collaborate to develop a new course, workshop or event series that meets the needs of our community and aligns with your business objectives.
  • We can work together to develop a fellowship or awards program.

Impact Report

Download the New York Academy of Sciences STEM Education 10-Year Impact Report, 2024.

GENERATION STEMEmpowering Scientists of the Future

Contact Us

To discuss ideas for partnering on a professional learning program, contact us at

From the Academy Blog